What I do

  • Executive Speeches

    Leadership means inspiring others to act in support of your ideas and goals.

    Every leader’s speech must take the audience from passive listeners to engaged team members: it must move them to think or behave differently.

    I have an excellent track record of delivering high quality executive-level speeches that do exactly that. In some cases, phrases and ideas I have developed in collaboration with clients have become regular company messaging.

    Together, we will make sure that your public speaking goals are well-defined and that every word spoken works towards them.

  • Business Writing

    Every business communication should be clear, efficient and convincing.

    Whether the product is a major report or a holiday email, it must be successful. That means the art of powerful communication applies.

    My focus is to give you the written product that accomplishes your objectives, big or small. I listen, I ask a lot of questions and I make sure to provide the best final product.

    In over two decades of working with presidents of national companies, small business owners, government departments, bank executives, academics, non-governmental organizations and aspiring entrepreneurs, I have the skills to put together the right language to achieve your goal. Sometimes my outsider’s eye proves to be a benefit too.

  • Personal Speeches

    Celebrations/Milestones — Whether it’s an Award Speech, an Honourary Degree acceptance speech, a Wedding Speech, a Retirement Speech, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah Speech, an Anniversary Speech, or remarks for some other important event, celebratory speeches have a special place in my heart. I love to help people bring across the best of themselves in support of each other. I’ve even helped write wedding vows!

    Eulogies/Celebration of Life Speeches — There are many ways to honour those dearest to us who have passed. The words spoken can be solemn, or heartening, or respectfully humorous, or all of those things. The best way to honour someone is to be true to your personality and respectful of theirs.

  • Editing

    My main area of editing work is Structural (Developmental) Editing. Clients sometimes approach me with material that does not yet have logical flow, or that needs additional text to fill in narrative or content gaps.

    I work to establish a solid understanding of your goals and then I reorder and revise the existing material, as well as create new text as needed.

    I also do Stylistic Editing, Proofreading and Copy Editing. Often projects require some combination of these types of editing.

  • Articles

    In today’s world, every organization or business must be a publisher. Articles are a great way to tell your story, secure an interested audience, and progress on your goals.

    The relationship between your organization or business and your audience is dynamic—it will evolve, from both sides. Well written, well timed and well placed articles can help cement that relationship, as well as help manage change as smoothly as possible.

    Over 30 of my articles have been published in newsletters and magazines, including one magazine cover story for which I also contributed photos.

  • Books

    I love to do longform work. There are few greater pleasures than working in-depth with an engrossing story.

    That’s why my favourite type of Structural (Developmental) Editing is for longform text, including books. I had the privilege to do the editing for Mehrnaz Bassiri’s extraordinary book about personal trauma and resilience, Approaching Midnight.

    Please see an excerpt in my website’s “Portfolio” section, or find the book at Barnes & Noble, Amazon or Indigo.

  • Podcast Interviews

    Many professionals appear on podcasts because they appreciate how valuable an opportunity it is to get their message to their target audience.

    But, to use this medium effectively, your goals and your message must be clear. If you are unsure what your key messages should be, or how to best get them across, I can help you develop your ideas and your wording.

    We take the most important information you need to convey and work up a flexible series of scripts so that you can prepare for your interview with confidence.

    Every word has to count. Together, we make sure it does.

Communicating clearly and effectively is challenging, necessary — and extremely rewarding.

Let me help you find the right words for your spoken or written communications.